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Six ways to prevent colds in the winter season

Six ways to prevent

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Six ways to prevent colds in the winter season are provided to you by Dawsat today, in the flu season and the increasing number of people with corona must be followed to raise your immunity and the immunity of family members.

Why winter?

  • Winter is the season for colds and flu.
  • Also, the winter months are the ideal time for many diseases to spread.
  • But by following some healthy steps and guidelines, we can prevent these diseases.

Follow a good diet to reduce the incidence of cold in the winter season

  • When the weather is cold, it is recommended to eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals, such as fruits and vegetables.
  • Fruits help prevent colds and keep your immune system functioning well.
  • It is recommended to choose warm drinks, such as tea, or any kind of warm drinks,
  • This will allow you to keep your body temperature at the right level, it is also important to stay hydrated.

Get enough sleep to prevent cold in the winter

  • To avoid a cold, you must get adequate rest
  • Sleep at least 8 hours, and avoid staying awake
  • This will ensure that your mood and health are in perfect condition.
  • It is also recommended that you be warm when sleeping, sleeping with thick clothes makes you warm.

Keep your home clean and at the right temperature

  • It is important to keep the house clean to avoid a cold, too
  • This includes cleaning every part of your home
  • Disinfect the kitchen, bathrooms, and rooms, as well as materials or objects inside.
  • It is also recommended to keep the house temperature around (23 ° C).
  • It is recommended to avoid opening windows and doors

Cover your body properly one of the Six ways to prevent colds

In cold weather, it is necessary to wear clothes appropriate to the temperature, including wearing coats, woolen shirts with long sleeves and long pants, and closed shoes. If it snows, wear a “keffiyeh” that protects the neck, wear gloves and protect the ears. The clothes allow to keep warm so that they remain warm It also reduces the chances of catching a cold.

Maintain personal hygiene

Hand washing with soap and water; Where hands must be washed with soap and water for 20 seconds, and in the absence of it, one can resort to the use of alcoholic sanitizer, as the above can protect the individual from infection because the virus can live on the hands, and it is also worth helping and teaching children to do so.

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