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Do you want to be a leader of your community and help better your community through health and pioneering food culture?

For everyone concerned with human health ….. support the health of your community … through your own group … and be the leader with Dawsat International ….

Mrs. Mas Watad, President and Founder of Dawsat International, presents an initiative for everyone concerned with human health, that opens up horizons for attendees entitled “Be the leader of your own group and better your communities health and agility with DAWSAT”

Launch your own group leader with DAWSAT in a fun, flexible, and impactful manner.

Apply now to Dawsat and be the initiative to support the health of your community and be the leader of your own group towards better health with the wonderful DAWSAT method.

DAWSAT is the best opportunity to create opportunities

Dawsat is the best opportunity for everyone in the Arab world for a healthier, leaner and fit society.

Dawsat is the best way to keep your loved ones, young and old, family and friends healthy.

Dawsar is the biggest opportunity to get to know the ancient Arab table and its delicious and useful dishes, and to prepare it in a healthy and graceful way.

Dawsat is the biggest opportunity to support entrepreneurial women to become a leader towards changing her society into a healthier and leaner one and by empowering women to lead with awareness and awareness towards better health with Dawsat

DAWSAT is a method that has proven successful in losing weight and reaching the desired weight through hundreds of success stories. This is achieved by:

-Weekly meetings with a group of participants.

-Easy calculation points system.

-Your diet from home eating and traditional Arabic cooking without deprivation, from your favourite dishes, from delicious desserts to kunafa!!!

Dawsat will support the success of your group with technology

-A smartphone application that will support your communication with members of your group and with DAWSAT

– Social media from WhatsApp to ensure that the group members communicate

-An electronic platform that supports the analysis of results through the best support programs.

Dawsat will support your entrepreneurial personality with effective training and keeping pace with the requirements of the twenty-first century through:

Around the clock support with the DAWSAT team

Join Dawsat and be a leader towards better health and leanness for your community.

To contact and submit requests [email protected] or visit the registration page on our website

How to join the “Be a Group Leader for Health and Fitness with Dawsat”?

The first step: Submit the application

The second step: Training

The third step: Attracting participants to join your DAWSAT groups aimed towards combating obesity and nutritional education

The fourth step: Enjoy your success by making your community healthier and getting a profit from your work as a leader at DAWSAT

To contact and submit a request go to [email protected] or visit the following website (join the initiators)


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